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Default Ethical issue with a restaurant

On Wed, 6 Jul 2016 11:55:18 -0700, "Cheri" >

> wrote in message
.. .
>> On Wed, 6 Jul 2016 11:10:11 -0700, "Cheri" >
>> wrote:
> wrote in message
>>>> People - wih kids particularly - should understand the general traits
>>>> of the puppies they buy. No good getting a Yorkie then complaining it
>>>> barks, it's a watchdog and that's what watchdogs do, Pomeranians too.
>>>That's not really true, it depends on the owner of those barking dogs a
>>>too. As they say, a dog that barks at everything is not a good watchdog.

>> Nine out of ten, when people refer to a 'yappy' dog it proves to be of
>> the watchdog variety. Some is training, but much is not. Different
>> breeds have different traits and I feel people should do a bit of
>> reading before deciding a puppy they know nothing about is 'cute'.
>> Also it's not realistic, or fair, to buy a working dog such as Collie
>> etc if everyone is out at work and school all day. Working dogs get
>> very bored in such situations and make themselves unpopular herding
>> cushions etc.

>Of course they do, I'm not questioning that, but a lot of the yapping dog
>thing is because the owners allow it. One thing I really don't understand is
>people with toddlers and small children deciding that the very small breeds
>are a good fit for them.

Very small breeds are at risk with toddlers! Many a child has jumped
off a sofa on to a small dog and broken it