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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Ethical issue with a restaurant

On 2016-07-06 12:36 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 7/6/2016 12:31 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 7/6/2016 11:09 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> There are lots of dog breeds that probably shouldn't be around other
>>> pets or children. A former boss of mine had a couple of Dalmations.
>>> When his wife got pregnant they gave the dogs away because they
>>> allegedly aren't good with children. I don't know if that's the case
>>> (and his wife was a bit of a nut) but that's what he told me. Too bad,
>>> he really loved those dogs.
>>> Jill

>> My son had a Dalmatian. He had to get rid of it after it tried to kill
>> one of the other dogs. Cute in a Disney movie, not so much in real life.

> Second validation. Apparently it's not just pit bulls and rottweilers
> that have this sort of reputation.

Look at the list of biters by breed. Labrador Retrievers are number 8 on
the list. I think there are a few reasons for that. First of all, they
are generally very loving and patient dogs and people, especially kids,
push them to the limit. Secondly, they are big dogs, so if they do lash
out, it is likely to have some force behind. Third, and very important,
is that they are so many of them. They are the single most popular breed.