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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Uses for big tomatoes

On 7/6/2016 11:46 AM, sf wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Jul 2016 06:13:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> > wrote:
>> On Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 7:31:38 PM UTC-4, Jill McQuown wrote:
>>> My first thought would be why buy large tomatoes if that's not what you
>>> wanted in the first place? I don't know about you but I don't buy
>>> anything I don't already have some use for.

>> Interestingly, she opened with "I screwed up and kept buying large
>> slicing tomatoes". It suggests that she bought some, lost track
>> of them, and bought more. I wonder: does she hide them around the
>> house like a squirrel burying nuts?

> I buy things twice occasionally, but it isn't worth posting about.

Gee, I should have posted when I bought a second bottle of
Worcestershire sauce because I didn't remember how much was left in the
first bottle. Missed opportunity!

> My hot sauce collection was the worst - but only one or two were
> purchased by me. My son would bring over a new hot sauce whenever we
> were cooking food like tacos and not take it home with him so I ended
> up with something like 6 or 8 bottles (all different brands). I
> solved my hot sauce problem by gathering up what I didn't want to keep
> and sending them home with him. End of story.

A practical solution.

> Julie could have solved her excess tomato problem by grating them and
> making a no-cook tomato sauce that she could always freeze if she
> didn't want to use it immediately.

She doesn't have room in her freezer for tomatoes!

> If she stopped using Swagbucks as a search engine and switched to a
> decent one, like Google, 95% of her questions would be answered and
> she wouldn't need to post them here.

That's true of a lot of people. There are times, however, when someone
wants a recipe or hands on experience with something.

I was recently gifted some large scallop baking shells. I've always
wanted to but have never made Coquilles St. Jacques. I've already
Googled for recipes but when the time comes I'll likely ask if anyone
here has a tried & true recipe before deciding which one to try.
