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Ethical issue with a restaurant
On Thu, 7 Jul 2016 15:21:38 +0100, "Ophelia" >
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On 7/7/2016 9:57 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> >> ...
> >>> On 7/7/2016 2:56 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> "Jeßus" > wrote
> >>>
> >>>>> Every freakin day for two years I would come home and the thing would
> >>>>> just stand there barking at me. It was utterly mindless and devoid of
> >>>>> any personality. One day I got in my Fairlane (a large car), put it in
> >>>>> reverse and backed over the thing (it was obviously sleeping under the
> >>>>> rear of the car). I got out to look and the dog was jammed under the
> >>>>> rear axle. I drive forward... and the damned thing got up and walked
> >>>>> away, totally unharmed. I thought that *finally* the thing would be
> >>>>> gone forever, but no... and so it continued to bark at me every time
> >>>>> it saw me until I moved.
> >>>>
> >>>> You deliberately drove over it to try to kill it because it annoyed
> >>>> you??
> >>>
> >>> I didn't get that out of the story at all.
> >>>
> >>
> >> He didn't deny it.
> >
> > Maybe he's playing with Winnie and not online.
> >
> > He told the story, he ran over the dog when it was under
> > his car, he clearly didn't see it. Then he rolled the
> > car off the dog as it was jammed under the car.
> >
> > As much as the dog was annoying, he didn't run it over
> > on purpose.
> >
> > I had a neighbor with a barking dog, a black lab. The woman
> > called her previous dog, a collie, across the street and it got
> > hit by a car. That's the level of stupidity, but I digress.
> > She felt like she had to get another dog, they got the lab and
> > chained it up outside and no one ever played with it, just yelled
> > at it. Of course the thing was a nervous wreck and barked at
> > every little thing. Every day if we stepped outside, BARK BARK!
> > on and on.
> >
> > It's friggin annoying. I get JeBus' irritation.
> >
> > But I don't see anything in his story that says he deliberately
> > ran over that dog.
> I don't think winnie had come home when he wrote that and he has written
> plenty since.
He's probably asleep.