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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Ethical issue with a restaurant

Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2016-07-07 5:49 AM, wrote:
> > On Wed, 6 Jul 2016 21:06:40 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> > We can have dogs in these condos but if I was thinking of it, looking
> > after a friends labradoodle for a week cured me. Yes I am usually up
> > by 6 a.m. but I don't usually dress until about 8 but if you have to
> > take a dog out, you need to dress right away!
> >
> > I do usually walk a couple of miles per day, weather permitting, but
> > not first and last thing of the day.

> My once very high energy Malinois goes for a nice long walk every
> morning with my wife. It was a labour of lover for her to take it along
> on her morning walk because he used to be so bad on the leash and she
> was afraid to let him run loose in the woods. He pulled her off her feet
> many times, skinned her knees, sprained her foot, broke a finger. AS he
> got older and I stepped up the training, he got better on the leash and
> was able to run loose. Now he is old and lazy. When she comes
> downstairs to get him for their morning walk he hides under the dining
> room table. While she used to be afraid of him taking off into the woods
> and not coming back she now keeps him on the leash more because when he
> knows I am home he comes back to the house as soon as she lets him go.
> She now takes her cell phone with her so she can call me to let me know
> he is on his way home.

Too much dog issues, imo.