Sqwertz <swertz@dwarf wrote:
>Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> My husband likes cheese on his sloppy joes. I never saw the point.
>The power of suggestion! 15 seconds after I read this I was downstairs
>thawing out ground beef in warm water. And hour later I have Sloppy
>I don't use cheese but I do insist on mayonnaise and pickles. And
>some fresh onions I had leftover from the using it in the ground beef
>mixture. And on my signature split top hot dog buns(*) instead of
>hamburger buns because they are much less sloppy to eat this way.
>I used the 'Red Fork' sloppy Joe sauce for this batch. If you don't
>like sweet Joes, then this stuff is for you.
>I added Famous Dave's BBQ sauce, no tomato sauce as the directions
>say. Plus a little sugar (sosueme).
TMB (Texass Mexass Blech)!