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Default Ethical issue with a restaurant

On Fri, 08 Jul 2016 06:04:53 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:

>On Thu, 7 Jul 2016 10:13:09 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:
>>On 7/7/2016 9:57 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 7/7/2016 2:56 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>> "Jeßus" > wrote
>>>>>> Every freakin day for two years I would come home and the thing would
>>>>>> just stand there barking at me. It was utterly mindless and devoid of
>>>>>> any personality. One day I got in my Fairlane (a large car), put it in
>>>>>> reverse and backed over the thing (it was obviously sleeping under the
>>>>>> rear of the car). I got out to look and the dog was jammed under the
>>>>>> rear axle. I drive forward... and the damned thing got up and walked
>>>>>> away, totally unharmed. I thought that *finally* the thing would be
>>>>>> gone forever, but no... and so it continued to bark at me every time
>>>>>> it saw me until I moved.
>>>>> You deliberately drove over it to try to kill it because it annoyed
>>>>> you??
>>>> I didn't get that out of the story at all.

>That's just how she wanted it to be.
>>> He didn't deny it.

>>Maybe he's playing with Winnie and not online.

>Apparently I'm always here on RFC, just waiting to reply to anyone at
>any hour of the day. And also apparently replying to people in my kill
>>He told the story, he ran over the dog when it was under
>>his car, he clearly didn't see it. Then he rolled the
>>car off the dog as it was jammed under the car.
>>As much as the dog was annoying, he didn't run it over
>>on purpose.
>>I had a neighbor with a barking dog, a black lab. The woman
>>called her previous dog, a collie, across the street and it got
>>hit by a car. That's the level of stupidity, but I digress.
>>She felt like she had to get another dog, they got the lab and
>>chained it up outside and no one ever played with it, just yelled
>>at it. Of course the thing was a nervous wreck and barked at
>>every little thing. Every day if we stepped outside, BARK BARK!
>>on and on.
>>It's friggin annoying. I get JeBus' irritation.
>>But I don't see anything in his story that says he deliberately
>>ran over that dog.

>Thanks Nancy, I didn't think I worded it so badly that it could be
>interpreted in that way.
>My friends brought Winnie home late yesterday afternoon, she's in good
>shape apart from being very sore and lost a fair bit of weight. She's
>laying in front of the fire right now, snoring away...

Glad for you and for her! She must have been annoyed with herself
when she thought she had lost it all lol