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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Fight at Costco!

On 2016-07-09 3:07 PM, Janet wrote:
> In article >,
> says...

>> We had a social cashier this morning. He said What are you doing
>> today? We were like ... What? I think he asked us what we were
>> doing today. (laugh) They don't generally chit chat where I shop.

> In better smkts here, it's part of their customer-relations training
> protocol to "engage the customer" with a personal question. They must
> do it in case you're a Mystery Shopper checking they obey their training
> :-) Then they have to wait, focussed on you, while you put away your
> purse and step away, before they start engaging with the customer
> waiting behind you.
> It's artificial but much more pleasant than the old days when
> cashiers would chat to each other as if their customers were invisible.

I live in a small town. People have time to talk. A simple purchase
can take a long time because it generally ends up in a conversation.