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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Fight at Costco!

> wrote in message
> On Sun, 10 Jul 2016 08:15:25 -0400, Nancy Young
> > wrote:
>>On 7/10/2016 6:23 AM, Taxed and Spent wrote:
>>> On 7/9/2016 9:10 AM, Nancy Young wrote:

>>>> I did that once, don't remember the circumstances. They had an
>>>> angry old guy cashier at the time. He snarled I can't take you here!
>>>> You're the only line open! And, hello, I'm the only customer in the
>>>> store.
>>> There were a couple times when a check out clerk was being incredibly
>>> stupid, and I just walked out of the store and left the clerk with a
>>> shopping cart of unbought items.

>>I did that once. I had all my stuff on the belt and the
>>cashier closed up and left. So I left, since it seemed to
>>be the thing to do.
>>Most of the cashiers I come across are pleasant or all business,
>>but once in a while you get a hostile or distracted one. Those
>>are the ones who make things unpleasant. I'm sure they say the
>>same thing about customers.

> Customers can be rude as well - I notice that rarely do other people
> say thanks. Or please for that matter as in 'I was looking for xxx
> and couldn't find it' 'oh, would you like me to have them bring you
> some?" Yes.
> After a day of that, I'd be feeling rude too. Here if the cashier is
> going to close they pick a moment closest when there is a gap and
> place a 'This checkout is closing' sign on the belt, so you won't
> queue there.

That is what ours do.
