Thread: Bacon Drippings
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Bacon Drippings

"Brooklyn1" wrote in message
Cheri wrote:
>Beets are one of the things that I truly dislike, but never tried the
>greens. Do they taste like the beets at all?

Beet tops don't taste anything like beet roots, the greens are more
like spinach only I think they taste better than spinach and have a
nicer texture. Chard is in fact two different vegetables, the center
rib and stem is cut out of the leaf, diced, and cooked separately,
very good in soups, stews and even on their own with butter... very
good stir fried. A lot of people don't like leafy greens because of
the tough stems and center rib... just cut them out and cook
separately. The leafy portion of chard cooks very quickly, like
spinach, can even be eaten raw. I plant a large patch each year...
everyone with a garden should place chard at the top of their *must
plant* list. I like beetroot too but unless one uses insecticides the
crop will become infested with boring insects. Insects seem to go
after the larger more mature roots so those at market have been
heavily treated with insecticides, that's why I buy canned beets, they
were harvested while still small/young and won't contain insecticides.
Beets and chard are botanically the same plant, there are many
varietals of each:

I grow black kale and I always cut out the centre stalk to cook it.
