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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Fight at Costco!

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/10/2016 8:37 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2016-07-10 8:15 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> Most of the cashiers I come across are pleasant or all business,
>>> but once in a while you get a hostile or distracted one. Those
>>> are the ones who make things unpleasant. I'm sure they say the
>>> same thing about customers.

>> I saw a woman get all upset about a cashier a couple weeks ago. She had
>> her stuff on the conveyor, they rolled forward, the cashier looked at
>> the woman and smiled. Another cashier came up behind him and took over
>> for him. The woman got all huffy and asked her why he had looked at her
>> and walked away. The replacement cashier said he was going on his break.
>> It was pretty obvious that the was customer was suggesting that it was
>> because she was black, but it was pretty obvious to me that he was just
>> being relieved to go on break.

> He likely could have mentioned to her he was going on break but hey, since
> someone else was right there to ring up her purchases what's the big deal?
> Imagined 'slights' are not a reason to get upset. Do some people really
> expect those employees to stand there for hours on end without a break?
> (rhetorical question)
> Jill

Maybe I'm lucky, I do shop early so it might be that the day is just
starting for everyone, but I can't remember the last time I had a
rude/surly/huffy cashier. They all are quite pleasant in that regard, though
I have seen some impatient customers that treat the cashiers rudely. I give
big kudos to anyone who can deal with the public on a daily basis and still
