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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Fight at Costco!

On 2016-07-12 11:15 AM, jmcquown wrote:

> When was the last time you were in SC? All the stores have signs on the
> door stating ID is required by law. A few years ago the Exxon station
> near my house was caught in a sting. For a year there was a big sign on
> the door "Absolutely no alcohol sold here". That's how long they were
> penalized for selling beer to an undercover minor.

We moved to the Niagara area when I was a teen. The drinking age in
Ontario was 21 and only 18 in NY. I was only 14 the first time I was
served in a Niagara Falls NY bar. Most of us went over the border every
weekend and frequented the bars that didn't care about the legal limit.
Once in a while a bar would get caught serving minors and would be shut
down for a month. Then they would re-open and it would be business as

Four months before my 21st birthday the drinking age in Ontario dropped
to 18. It was later raised to 19. Meanwhile, NY raised theirs to 21.
Now the movement of under aged drinkers has reversed. A whole section of
downtown Niagara Falls NY where the lax ID bars were went under.