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Default Freezing citrus zest? and butter stick wrappers!

On Tue, 12 Jul 2016 12:18:39 -0600, Janet B >

>On Wed, 13 Jul 2016 02:36:08 +1000, Bruce >
>>In article >,
>>> And here's something interesting and maybe handy to know. The guest
>>> chef today mentioned she saved her butter stick wrappers to repurpose
>>> for an interesting use. When a baking container needs to get buttered
>>> or greased, she uses the saved butter wrappers -- there's always a bit
>>> of leftover butter remaining on them! -- to swipe along the sides and
>>> bottom of the baking dish! I wish I'd known this trick a long time ago.

>>I hope never to become that poor.

>some might call it frugal.
>Janet US

During the war years it was lack of replacements, so nothing was
wasted. I used to dread my grandmother receiving a parcel, I was the
one always detailed to sit down and undo all the knots