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Allen Prunty[_5_] Allen Prunty[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 9
Default Fight at Costco!

On 07/07/16, Ed Pawlowski said the following...

EP> Last week I had a few items and went to the 12 or fewer express lane.
EP> Seconds before me an employee ending her shift pulled in ahead of me.
EP> I don't know the total, but she handed the cashier a can of cat food and
EP> said "48 of these" among about 20 other items.
EP> Frustrating mildly, but then she started searching for coupons. I put
EP> my stuff back in the cart and went to the self checkout and finished
EP> before they did. I made it a point to stop and let them know it was not
EP> good for employees to abuse the lines. No manager was around.

I had a lady who did that in the Express lane of wal-mart and when I
complained to the manager they said it was corporate policy not to refuse any
customer. That it "endangers" the cashier if it becomes confrontational.

I was like whaaaaat??? And the manager said that there have been cashiers
who have been injured for correcting customers.


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