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Allen Prunty[_5_] Allen Prunty[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 9
Default Fight at Costco!

On 07/07/16, Sqwertz said the following...

Sq> I've left my cart in line and gone 30 feet to grab one more thing
Sq> while they're still checking out people in front of me and somebody
Sq> had the nerve to push my cart out of line and move up to my spot. Oh,
Sq> no, no, no, no, no... I was back before the line even moved and only
Sq> gone 14-15 seconds. I shoved my cart right back in line where I was.
Sq> I'm very good at The Grocery Game.

I like the way our military commissary does it. They have ONE LINE it does
not matter if you have one thing or ten things. The way it works is you get
in line. It's walled off in a zig-zag pattern and once you enter the "walled
maze" you can not go back into the store you are committed and you have to
check out.

Mind you they have candy, magazines and impulse things hanging on the
"pegboard wall maze". When you get to be the next to be checked out you
stand in front of a TV monitor. It will ding and show a number... you go
directly to that lane. You get NO CHOICE of which cashier gets you... you go
to that lane.

What I can say about the military commissary is ALL the employees are
friendly, and they know what they are doing. Your items will be bagged
professionally and efficiently. You won't have squashed bread or crushed
chips as they do it with precision.

I can't imagine that would go on at a costco. I'm sure that costco wanted
their money, but that's just rude and low class.

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