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Sky[_2_] Sky[_2_] is offline
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Default MW Grilled Cheese Sandwich? was Don't try this at home!

On 7/12/2016 11:36 PM, isw wrote:
> Toasting and then nuking can make the bread soggy and tough.
> Put cheese in bread, microwave, then pop into a skillet with melted,
> sizzling butter. Flip, repeat. Nice hot melted cheese and crispy toast.
> I have never had a problem with cheese getting tough *because* it was
> warmed specifically in a microwave (some cheeses just don't do well when
> heated any way at all).

Why the heck use the MW (er, microwave, not Miracle Whip - grin) in the
first place to make or augment any grilled cheese sandwich?! The MW
doesn't seem it would save all that much time, and sure as heck, it (the
MW) changes the texture of the 'original' finished product, IMHO. I
don't "cook" anything in a MW <G>. Mostly, I reheat leftovers and use
it to boil water and heat milk+cream to make mochas.

The next time I make a grilled cheese sandwich, I want to use mayo
instead of butter as the 'outside' lubricant on the bread instead of
butter. I recently watched a 'spot' on TV where that 'substitution'
trick was used, and it looked interesting try.


Kitchen Rule #1 - Use the timer!
Kitchen Rule #2 - Cook's choice!