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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Fight at Costco!

In article >, says...
> On 2016-07-13 7:51 PM,
> > On Wed, 13 Jul 2016 19:29:09 -0400, Dave Smith
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> On 2016-07-13 7:04 PM,
> >>> On Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:15:54 -0400, Dave Smith
> >>> > wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> On 2016-07-13 6:02 PM,
> >>>>
> >>>>>> Or tries to influence government policies/laws to reflect their
> >>>>>> religious doctrines!
> >>>>>> Graham
> >>>>>
> >>>>> NS used to be ruled by what the churches wanted, when we came in 1967
> >>>>> the schools were divided into RC, Protestant and the rest! Finally
> >>>>> ended midnight 1979/80.
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Consider yourself lucky. Catholics have traditionally been supporters of
> >>>> the Liberal party in Ontario and there was a push for "equality in
> >>>> education" back in the 1980s. The PCs had been in power for years, but
> >>>> when it looked like they might lose an election on the issue they caved
> >>>> and granted full funding to Catholic boards right up to Gr. 13, though
> >>>> nothing ever stopped them from going to public schools.
> >>>
> >>> I didn't understand what my neighbour meant when she said to me "The
> >>> schools are segregated so it will depend which ones your children go
> >>> to" - I of course thought she meant by colour and my heart sank,
> >>
> >> Of course you would think that.

> >
> > Yes, of course I would! Having lived in many countries I had never
> > encountered such an antiquated idea as dividing schools by religion!

> Many countries have faith based schools. The US has parochial school.
> The UK has faith schools.

Originally, it was churches or religious groups who founded (and
funded) many of the schools in the UK so a great many older schools
still have a church connection.

Janet UK