"Allen Prunty" > wrote in message
> On 07/13/16, Ophelia said the following...
> Op> Well that certainly is much better than having the homeless setting up
> Op> camp in supermarket car parks.
> Op>
> Op> It sounds like a wonderful operation and any homeless who end up there
> Op> are very lucky in comparison to many others I read about.
> The problem is that other large cities know Louisville has so many
> programs
> and shelters here... instead of getting their own programs for the
> homeless
> they get them greyhound tickets and put them on the bus send them to
> Louisville. Our city truly is overburdened by the homeless. Many
> shelters
> put them out on the streets at 7am and won't let them back in until
> sundown.
> They don't stay at the same shelter two days in a row the shelters do this
> to
> keep them from establishing permanent residency at 30 days.
> We keep getting more and more of them and we have filled two cemeteries
> for
> the indigent because they come here to die. It is a burden on our medical
> system too.
If they can prove where they came from, can they not charge the authorities
of that area for the care of their people?
> If other cities would do what we do instead of shipping them here it woudl
> be
> great. I do volunteer for the soup kitchens and have some delicious soup
> recipes that feed the masses I could post if anyone is interested.
Yes, that would be interesting, thank you