Fight at Costco!
"The Greatest!" > wrote in message
> Allen Prunty wrote:
>> I don't fault them for what they do, but at last count we have more beds
>> for
>> the homeless than many larger well known cities. (Don't want to shame
>> any of
>> them with the exception of <cough> Chicago who busses their homeless to
>> Louisville).
> Since I work in homeless services in Chicago I know for a FACT that your
> statement about Chicago "busing" homeless to other cities is absolute
> rubbish...
I don't know about Chicago but plenty of cities are doing it. Many only do
it with specific parameters. They want to get these people off the streets
so they will pay the bus fare to a relative's house in another state. Many
require proof of such a relative. However, a recent piece on the news said
that people were flocking to Seattle because they knew they could eat here.
Many lied and said that they had relatives here when they did not. Not all
places are checking this out before busing.