Fight at Costco!
On 7/15/2016 8:09 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> Most of them are completely normal women just like us.
> I believe it. I don't run into it in this area but see nothing wrong
> with it.
> There's a convenience store/gas station nearby owned by [Eastern}
> Indians. They don't happen to be Muslim but the mother of the owner is
> sometimes in the store and she sometimes wears gorgeous sari's. I
> certainly don't denigrate her for wearing what is apparently for her
> normal, comfortable attire.
> Jill
I don't have a problem with that. No different than wearing a shirt
with the name of your favorite sports team.
If women want to cover their heads, no worse than guys wearing caps all
the time, even at the dinner table.
What I do object to are the cultures that treat women as property and
second class citizens.