Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 12:47:48 PM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
> > Ophelia wrote:
> > >
> > > I have gone off cauliflower in the past few years. Has the flavour changed
> > > here or is it my taste buds ...
> >
> > LOL In my opinion, cauliflower never was worth a damn. A worthless
> > veggie. The taste of any food should stand alone and not require lots of
> > prep and spice to fix it. ;-D
> So you don't think we should add stuff to water to make it taste different?
> For example, malt, yeast and hops?
Not at all. Just my opinion about cauliflower. I've never liked it and
don't see any reason to fix up a vegetable that I don't like. That's