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Cindy Hamilton[_2_] Cindy Hamilton[_2_] is offline
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Default On the grill, but not grilled

On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 4:22:27 PM UTC-4, Cheri wrote:

> A Bosch is pretty high end right? I imagine they're more expensive to fix? I
> did buy the five year warranty on mine after a mishap the first day it was
> installed. The door lock didn't work so it had to be replaced, of course
> there was no charge for it, but it didn't make me feel confident for the
> long term.

I've got a Bosch. It was troubled from the very beginning. There's
some deal with the hinges on the oven door; after I used it the first
time they warped and the door wouldn't close. They "fixed" it under
warranty (bent the hinges around, if memory serves), but told me they'd
have to send it back to the factory for a proper fix. DH fabricated a
rotating arm on a powerful magnet that holds the door somewhat more

Cindy Hamilton