A Few more tips on the places that you're going to ...
* If you hit Bukowski's (Boston) in the evening, show up earlier as the
place is small and can often get packed quickly - especially with all of the
students coming back into to town. And don't ask them to turn the music down
.... they'll just turn it up and probably shout with excitement. And if you
show up in the during the week before 8pm, ask for the buck burger (add
mashed or fries and cheese for another couple of bucks).
* When you hit RedBones, see if UnderBones (the downstairs) is open. It's a
different, darker vibe. You can get all the same beers, too. More he
* Anam Cara ... is just awesome. Try grabbing the table in the "Dug Out" or
sit at the massive social table.
Enjoy our great city!
Todd Alström
Co-Founder & President
http://BeerAdvocate.com : Join the BEER Revolution!
BeerAdvocate.com Belgian Beer Fest
November 6, 2004 - The Cyclorama @ The Boston Center for the Arts