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Nancy Smith Nancy Smith is offline
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Posts: 30
Default Nutrition for Growing Kids

On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 11:54:26 PM UTC-7, Nancy Smith wrote:
> Every parent has questions regarding children should be eating a "Nutritious diet."
> What is Nutritious Diet for your Kids?
> Below is the list of Nutrient required for Kid's growth
> 1. Protein
> 2. Carbohydrates
> 3. Fats
> 4. Calcium
> 5. Iron
> 6. Folate
> 7. Fiber
> 8. Vitamin A
> 9. Vitamin C
> All the above nutrients that every child should get on daily basis.

High-calcium foods are also rich in vitamin D, which not only strengthens bones but may help prevent type 1 diabetes and other diseases.Here is the list of food rich in Calcium:
1. Milk
2. Yogurt
3. Cheese
4. Curd
5. Fortified Cereals
6. soy milk
7. Tofu