>"Kate ......" writes:
>>Arri London wrote:
>> "Kate ......" wrote:
>> >
>> > I need to know if coarse salt is the same as curing salt. I have curing
>> > salt and need coarse. So wondering if I can use the curing salt in a
>> > recipe for chow chow that calls for coarse salt.
>> AFAIK 'curing salt' has nitrates in it, as part of the 'cure'. Save it
>> for curing meat.
>> Not certain why coarse salt would be needed in a recipe that involves
>> liquid. Are you supposed to salt the individual vegetables?
>> Regular salt will do in that case.
>Thank you for replying. I felt stupid to ask. But since I was trying to save
>myself a trip to the store , I hoped some kind soul here would clue me. I do
>have non iodized salt on hand. I'll just use that. Seems to me it should be
>fine, too.
Actually you can't assume that just because the salt you have in non-iodized
that it replaces pickling salt, most all table salts contain anti-caking
compounds, even some "kosher" salt contains anti-caking compounds. Since I see
you are preparing "chow chow" then you are pickling, not curing. Typical
curing salts are not table salt, those contain nitrites and are added to
pickling salt to maintain the red/pink color of meats... although plain
pickling salt can be used just as succesfully for meat curing, only the
resulting product will be a gorgeous shade of *grey*.
For pickling I suggest you use pickling salt, or read the contents of your
package of salt carefully to be sure it is non-iodized, AND that it does not
contain anti-caking compounds.... remember, even though "kosher" salt contains
no iodine it may still contain anti-caking compounds.
You can safely use salt containing anti-caking compounds for your chow chow
(pickling) but it will impart an off flavor (metalic) and your product will be
of poor color... fine is you like "khaki" chow chow.
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