Salt conversion?
PENMART01 > wrote:
> (Herself) writes:
> >A preserving pickling? Just asking.
> Yes... but with brining poultry you're not looking for long term storage,
> therefore you'd not need, or want, a very strong saline solution.
> > about 1/2 cup of table salt (I'm not sure if it's iodized or
> >not...why does that matter?).
> When brining/pickling you shouldn't be using a metalic container either, not
> even stainless steel... use crockery, porcelainized, food grade plastic, or
> wood
Ah crap. I better go find something I can brine that puppy in then. I
thought I would brine in the big soup pot. Hmm...I have some turkey
bags...could I toss it in that?
> It will say on the package whether table salt is iodized or non... iodine will
> impart a bitter-metalic flavor to brined/pickled foods.. iodized salt should
> not be used in marinades either... and in fact brined poultry is really
> marinated poultry (rednecks like to call it brined - they can't spell
> marinade).
> Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .
<snort> Yer bad :-).
Thanks for all the help!
'Tis Herself