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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default On the grill, but not grilled

On 2016-07-21 2:06 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> Came in a glass jar
>> with a small brush, did not look much larger than a pastry brush. The
>> housewife - in pearls and heels, natch! - smilingly cleaned her oven,
>> just in time for her Mad Men hubby's arrival, the ad ended with her
>> serving them a big steak dinner...
>> I mean, *brush - on*, geez...!!!

> I remember using that stuff. It is why we eventually bought a self
> cleaning oven.

You probably remember a lot of products that now come in aerosol that
never used to. You are older than I am and I remember when spray
deodorant was first introduced.

> Along with self cleaning ovens, some of us self centered lazy people
> have air conditioning, electric mixers and other useless appliances.

We may need to be reminded that there are now two generations who have
learned to cook and never had to use hand cranked beaters.