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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default On the grill, but not grilled

On 7/21/2016 2:29 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2016-07-21 2:06 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> Came in a glass jar
>>> with a small brush, did not look much larger than a pastry brush. The
>>> housewife - in pearls and heels, natch! - smilingly cleaned her oven,
>>> just in time for her Mad Men hubby's arrival, the ad ended with her
>>> serving them a big steak dinner...
>>> I mean, *brush - on*, geez...!!!

>> I remember using that stuff. It is why we eventually bought a self
>> cleaning oven.

> You probably remember a lot of products that now come in aerosol that
> never used to. You are older than I am and I remember when spray
> deodorant was first introduced.

When I started shaving you could get shaving cream in a can but the
brush soap and mugs were still in use. Gillette Super Blue blades had
recently come out. Deodorant was a roller ball. Brylcream, Wildroot
Cream Oil and Vitalis kept our hair in place too.

>> Along with self cleaning ovens, some of us self centered lazy people
>> have air conditioning, electric mixers and other useless appliances.

> We may need to be reminded that there are now two generations who have
> learned to cook and never had to use hand cranked beaters.

Typical kitchen of our starting to cook days was quite barren compared
to what we consider normal today,