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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default On the grill, but not grilled

"The Greatest!" > wrote in message
Nancy Young wrote:

> On 7/19/2016 6:40 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > On Monday, July 18, 2016 at 11:23:29 PM UTC-4, Jeßus wrote:

> >> It's a stupid feature. A feature which technology hasn't mastered, yet
> >> they still successfully sell it to the public because they're so
> >> hopelessly self-centred and monumentally lazy. Just use some elbow
> >> grease and clean the goddamned oven by hand.

> >
> > Bah. I've been using self-cleaning ovens for more than 30 years. It
> > works better than my elbow grease, since I have no tolerance for
> > sticking my head inside an oven full of strong alkali fumes, and
> > my asthmatic husband has no tolerance for said fumes being liberated
> > into the kitchen.

> PLUS ONE. I've never had a self cleaning feature break, and I'm
> never buying an oven without it, I'm not going back to that
> disgusting thankless chore.
> Also, I got a nice burn when I accidentally touched oven cleaner
> with my forearm and didn't notice. That is not the oven cleaner's
> fault, but you can keep that caustic stuff. I want nothing to
> do with it.

Nancy, I was watching an old "To Tell The Truth" episode from early 1962* on
some sub-channel, these are fun to watch because the have the original ads.
There was one for Easy - Off, and back then it was apparently not a spray,
but you *brushed* it on! Came in a glass jar with a small brush, did not
look much larger than a pastry brush. The housewife - in pearls and heels,
natch! - smilingly cleaned her oven, just in time for her Mad Men hubby's
arrival, the ad ended with her serving them a big steak dinner...

I mean, *brush - on*, geez...!!!

*The date was specific because at the end of the episode over the credits,
Walter Cronkite did a voice - over, inviting viewers to watch the launch of
"the first American to be launched into orbit", which was John Glenn on
February 20th, 1962. AND John Glenn just celebrated his 95th birthday, very



I remember my mom using the brush on stuff. Smelled to high heaven!