On 7/22/2016 10:54 AM, Gary wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> Gary, you should know, it's about you! Creep. (laugh)
>> Just joking.
> Ok Nancy. WTH? I don't get your joke.
Because the name of the song is Creep.
> Years ago, the song Desperado was popular for awhile. I forget who sang
> it now (I've got the album somewhere on the shelf). Those lyrics
> described me perfectly at the time. This was after my divorce and
> dating every hot girl I could get my hands on at the time. When I
> finally listened to all the lyrics, I was stunned. That song was all
> about me.
Sometimes you see yourself in a song or something and that can
be interesting.
> Key phrase in song: "You better let somebody love you before it's too
> late"
Never too late, though I do understand the lyrics.
> OK then.... it's too late now. I passed up some good keeper women and
> now I'm old and worthless too. oh well.
I don't see you that way.
> Just give me a couple of new ferrets and I'll be happy.
I hope someone does. I know you're holding off on that.