On the grill, but not grilled
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Julie Bove[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 46,524
On the grill, but not grilled
"Cheri" > wrote in message
> "Bruce" > wrote in message
> T...
>> In article >,
>> says...
>>> On 7/22/2016 3:43 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > I used to get laughed at by coworkers because I insisted on AC in my
>>> > car. They kept telling me that I didn't need it. I beg to differ. I
>>> > think I use that more than I do heat. Even in the winter, when the sun
>>> > comes through the car windows, it can make the car uncomfortably warm
>>> > inside. And I don't like driving around with my windows down.
>>> >
>>> > Thankfully, these days it's pretty hard to even buy a new car with no
>>> > AC. At least not a Ford. I was told it is standard now.
>>> Your co-workers are either nuts, cheap, or both. First car I had with
>>> AC was a '68 Olds Vista Cruiser I bought about 1972. I'd never consider
>>> a car without it. I don't know of any that don't have it as standard
>>> these days but some entry level one may not.
>>> Rae I put the windows down too. When I was much younger I had a couple
>>> of convertibles, little desire today. Maybe 5 days out of the year ir
>>> would be fun, not today at 95 degrees in the hot sun.
>> I don't like airco and my car doesn't have it. I'd rather open the
>> windows. Before you know it, you'll also want a bum warmer and it's all
>> downhill from there.
> I would not have a car without it since it's frequently over a hundred
> here for several months out of the year.
Yep. I hate those seat warmers too. My SIL and bro have them in their cars
and Angela's came with a removable one. I find them very irritating and they
cause me to overheat quickly.
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Julie Bove[_2_]
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