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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Redeemable culinary goof(s) . . . . or not

On Sat, 23 Jul 2016 23:08:14 -0500, Sky >

>Ok, I goofed today. I'd gone to the grocery store to get milk
>($1.19/gallon!!) and a few other cold goodies and strawberries. After
>unloading the groceries from the vehicle in the blistering sunlight and
>putting the cold stuff in the fridge, I took a brief respite because I
>felt a wee bit overcome with the stifling humidity and simmering summer
>The short break evolved into an afternoon nap Right after my
>impromptu nap, I discovered I'd neglected to put the 1#-packages of
>bacon and breakfast sausage (tube for patties) in the fridge, too -
>aargh :/ Thankfully, the bacon and sausage had only been without
>refrigeration for about three hours or so.
>So, this evening I mostly stood at the flaming, natural-gas stove
>cooking the bacon and sausage patties to be used during the upcoming few
>days. Cooking two-pounds of many-slices-of-meats definitely was not
>what I intended for a Saturday evening's activities - heheh.

Then try to imagine cooking bacon and sausage for four hundred non
stop, and first thing in the morning, when out of bed only ten minutes
and before the first sip of cawfee.

>sausage patties will make breakfast biscuits and snacks. The bacon has
>countless uses, and I foresee a lettuce wedge salad with bleu-cheese
>dressing and a bacon-burger in the works, among other many other
>possible options.
>Anyone else have culinary goof(s) to share, redeemable or otherwise <VBG>?!

Anyone claims they never screw up never cooks. It's very rare I
forget to put something in teh fridge but it's much more often I
forget the item I put in the microwave... heck, every so often I'll
search for my coffee mug and can't find it until I next open the
nuker. Fortunately the items I place in the microwave are very rarely
perishables, frozen veggies won't spoil over night.

>P.S. While cooking a pound of bacon in a pan on the stove, I dare
>anyone not to eat a slice or two! It's a dare I can't take - heheh!

Not me, I can't tolerate the stench... I'd much prefer fried Spam.