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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 46,524
Default Hot in the city? No.

"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Julie Bove wrote:
>> Both of my swamp coolers were inexpensive. None of the ones I looked at
>> got
>> very good reviews and the last one I bought got very mixed ones. Those
>> who
>> got working ones must have gotten very lucky. Mine worked well only a
>> very
>> few times. I doubt that I will buy another. Unless someone manages to
>> make
>> one that isn't prone to problems.

> Ok Julie. I think I have the perfect solution.
> Actually I have 2 solutions. First one is to buy an air conditioner.
> It doesn't have to be a whole house one, just small enough to take
> off the heat and humidity.

Take off *what* humidity? You still don't get it. Why do you think I bought
the swamp coolers? To add humidity to the dry air.
> Here's a replacement for your expensive swamp coolers.
> The theory is to add moisture into a hot dry environmenr, rigth"

They do. This is why I bought them and compared to AC, they were not
expensive. This is all a moot point. Even if I did want AC, I flat out have
no money to buy it.
> Here's my plan. You said one of your freezers only contains blue ice
> things.
> Put two of them in a shallow container, a 9X13 baking dish or even a
> cookie sheet with sides. Put a small fan to blow right across them. As
> the blue ice warms, it will sweat. With the low humidity, the fan
> blowing across them will help to add moisture to your air and it will
> be cold air too. This will work. Every hour or two replace the blue ice
> with more from your freezer full. Rotate your blue ice.

No. Why? That stuff is there for medical reasons and is frequently being
used for that. We have four people in the house right now. Normal summer
temps. No one is suffering. I have no clue why you want us to have AC right
now. As for the fan and ice thing, I have tried it and it doesn't work any
better than just a fan.

> Now it's your turn. Tell me why this won't work.

Sorry. I never made it past high chemistry. But I can tell you that it
doesn't work. I have tried it. Many years ago.