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Nancy Young[_8_] Nancy Young[_8_] is offline
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Posts: 2,254
Default Redeemable culinary goof(s) . . . . or not

On 7/25/2016 8:57 AM, Nancy2 wrote:
> Jill, a lawyer I worked for left a package of lamb chops in his car in
> the heat and didn't miss them until they started to smell...he found
> them under the seat. It took weeks for the odor to leave.

I once left a dish with leftover crab dip in my trunk. Took a few
days before I was wondering What's that smell? Luckily, it was in
a plastic bag and when I got rid of it, the odor dissipated.

> I have heard that an open shallow pan or dish of bleach will also give
> a small stinky space a nice, fresh smell. I haven't had to try anything
> like that yet.

I could have used that on a rental car I had once. One of those
you're given by your insurance company while your car's being repaired,
otherwise I'd have returned it.

Nothing we did got the overwhelming cigarette smoke smell out of it.
