Sqwertz wrote:
>Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Picked a bonaza yesterday and there's lots more to harvest:
>> http://i64.tinypic.com/2s9qhdx.jpg
>> Too many to eat so I decided to pickle a gallon:
>> http://i66.tinypic.com/xbeoea.jpg
>A vinegar pickle?
No vinegar, not a drop... those are fermenting in brine. They smelled
so good this morning that I set up a second gallon, none so good as
fresh picked kirbys for pickling:
A bumper crop of cukes this year, lucky me:
Not so lucky when the hogs eat all my birdseed:
Then I decided to deal with the zukes, cooked with celery, tomato, a
first green pepper, garlic, onion, and potato.