Thread: Tex Mex
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rosie[_1_] rosie[_1_] is offline
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Default Tex Mex

On Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 12:28:11 AM UTC-5, Julie Bove wrote:
> I keep seeing that term bandied about in here and people keep accusing me of
> eating it. But in looking up the term, there does not seem to be any one
> answer. Chevy's Fresh Mex claims to be Tex Mex. We had one here years ago..
> It didn't last very long. We tried it a few times and didn't like the food.
> There was also one in Alameda. My husband did like it but Angela and I did
> not. Have also read that Taco Bell is Tex Mex. Only thing they have that I
> like are the bean burritos but I can't eat them due to all of the weird
> added ingredients. Those are easy enough to make at home.
> I cannot tell you exactly what Tex Mex is, but I can tell you a lot of things you will find in it. Tacos, lots of tacos, Chilie with meat. ( Con Carne ) salsa and Chips, and lots of cheese dip, tamales and enchiladas. These are some common elements, Now if you eat New Mexico Mexican food, it is primarily serv4ed with either red or green chili, when you order, they will ask RED or Green? Big decision..

I usually order both, but you cannot order say green all the time because it is the hottest, sometimes t is red and sometimes green.
> My uncle told me that sour cream is never used in Mexico. I think he was
> wrong about that as they have Crema which is very similar.Back to Tex Mex, thry rarely serve Sopapias, but in NM they often serve them.

My advice is to serve and eat what you like. No doubt this will attract some who will disagree with my thought. Thats ok.

Sorry this has not been a lot of help.
