Thread: Tex Mex
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Tex Mex

"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 19:27:14 -0500, barbie gee wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Jul 2016, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Mon, 25 Jul 2016 14:49:40 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 23:41:39 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> I have no clue what you are talking about.
>>>>> No shit, eh?
>>>>> You live 7 miles from Seattle. Everybody can see that. Now shut the
>>>>> **** up.
>>>> No. You are very wrong on that.
>>> You're as dense and dumb as Jerry Sauk.
>>> ANyway, th fact remains that there are plenty of places within a 20
>>> miles radius of you that serve queso, as I have proven. So you cannot
>>> say that they don't serve queso where you live. You can only speak
>>> for what they serve on Planet Bove.
>>> And you still live about 7 miles from Seattle, regardless of what you
>>> think. I'm sorry you just can't seem to wrap your little head around
>>> that. And the cuisine does not change in those 7 miles one it reaches
>>> the border of Planet Bove.

>> I can't believe I had to look at the map, but I did.
>> Even using the straight line method of calculating, it's over 7 miles.
>> And
>> if she's on the far end of her town, driving is way more than 20 miles.
>> <,+WA/Bothell,+WA/>

> It's just over 7 miles (as in, less than 8) as the crow flies from her
> house. I posted the exact map. For the purposes of the conversation,
> even another 10 miles wouldn't make a difference. We are talking
> about what they serve "in her area". That means anything within, say,
> a 25 mile radius of her epicenter.
> How far she has to DRIVE to get there doesn't make one bit of
> difference when referring to the AREA in which she lives. She lives
> closer to Seattle than half the people in Seattle live to the center
> of downtown Seattle, ferchristsakes.

You are just flat out wrong on that. And I have NO need to go to Seattle to
eat. Like I said... Prices are higher in Seattle and most places have no

Now when I did live in Seattle, I went to Las Margaritas when I could. They
have a small parking lot and if I got there early enough, I might get a
parking spot. Go at dinner time, and you may well get no parking.
> I think everybody is getting tired of her petty semantics over where
> she says she lives. When she claims that they don't have this or that
> or they do or don't do this or that "where she lives", apparently
> she's speaking of some fictional place ("Planet Bove") that is a mere
> 5 square feet in space and not on any known maps.

And yet... I didn't say there was no queso. I did say that they do have it
at La Palmera.
> She lives about 7 miles from Seattle. And it's quite acceptable to
> point out that she lives in the Seattle area regardless of where she
> claims she lives or where she does or doesn't go.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Any time we have to go to Seattle such as the downtown
area, we allow two hours. Because it can take that long to get there. It's
over 20 miles. My husband is trying to get a job closer to home because he's
sick of the commute.