Coining a new term: ART
On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 19:58:36 +0100, "Kerr Mudd-John" > wrote:
>On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 16:15:01 +0100, Matt Singer >
>> ART: Animal Rights Terrorists
>> That's what they all are. The "AR" movement is inherently terroristic.
>> PeTA, Animal Defense League, Vegan Outreach, Farm Sanctuary, "Justice"
>> [sic] Department - these are all on exactly the same moral plane as
>> ISIL/Daesch, Al Qaeda, the Irish Republican Army, Boko Haram, Al Shabab.
>v poor.
That's a horribly blatant lie, since ONLY "AR" Terrorists perform "AR"
Terrorist acts. Why are you so ashamed of that fact that you told such a
horribly blatant lie, are you able to say? Why not???