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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Posts: 11,730
Default On the grill, but not grilled

"sf" wrote in message ...

> Did your 'little piece of Hell' go on for 20+ years?

You could have left the group.

Would that have been your answer? LOLOL Good to know you could be
bullied off!! I am sure there are those that will be very cheered to hear
that and are even now making notes <g>

Sorry, I am not like you! It's a power thing with her, but she won't beat
me) She hasn't managed it in 20+ years and she won't do it now

She is a nasty joke )

So go Janet! Keep dancing and bullying) Dance, Dance, Dance)

O who does NOT live in a shopping centre LOL

ps to those who she is currently bullying, tell her to Dance off LOL
