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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Redeemable culinary goof(s) . . . . or not

On Wed, 27 Jul 2016 12:04:45 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:

>On 7/27/2016 9:03 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/25/2016 5:15 PM, Je?us wrote:
>>> On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 21:06:39 -0400, jmcquown >
>>> wrote:
>>>> My microwave beeps every 60 seconds after it's been used, an irritating
>>>> but actually helpful reminder that you've left something in it.
>>> Mine does that and it's very annoying. Can't be disabled. The reminder
>>> has never really help remind me, since I haven't forgotten...

>> The feature doesn't annoy me too much since I often go into another room
>> when using the microwave. It's not so much I've "forgotten". It's more
>> likely I've gotten caught up in doing something else. Okay, okay, shut
>> up microwave!

>I could put a pot on the stove, boil it dry and maybe somehow
>burn the house down, no reminders there. But you heat something
>in the microwave for a prescribed amount of time, and it's panic
>time, it's done! It's done! 800 times. Shut up already.

Any time I put something liquidy on the stove I set the stove timer, I
know the large burner on high will bring four quarts from cold to a
simmer in seven minutes so I'll set the timer for six minutes. My
stove timer is incessant and sounds every ten seconds until I shut it