OT HPV Vaccine
Julie Bove wrote:
> "Gary" > wrote in message ...
> > Nancy Young wrote:
> >>
> >> I heard recently how more cancers are caused by HPV and I
> >> thought poor Angela, her mother will not get it for her
> >> because she listens to quacks.
> >
> > I do have to side with Julie here though. You don't just run out and get
> > the newest vaccine until it's proven itself. My daughter never got it.
> > That's because it wasn't even available then. None of us old people here
> > got the vaccination and we're all still here.
> >
> > IMO, it's like the newest version of Windows. Don't just run out and get
> > it when it's released. Give it some time and let them fix things first.
> >
> > Anyway, Julie is out of the loop now. They recommend getting the vaccine
> > while you're young and hopefully haven't had sex yet. Angela is 18 now.
> > It's her choice, not Julies call.
> Heh. Last night at around 9:30, my husband freaked because he couldn't find
> her. When he asked me where she was, I said in less than three hours, she
> wouldn't be our responsibility any more so it wouldn't matter. Then he
> freaked again! I don't sit here and watch her every move. I did know that
> she was somewhere in the house, with her headphones on.
That's funny. You raised her to be the best she can be. Your lessons are
pretty much done now. She either gets them or not. It *is* a bit hard to
quit being the "in charge" parent though. I've been through that.
Sometimes just letting go is not so easy to do after being in charge for
so many years.