What to do with a lot of extra Cheerios?
On 2016-07-28 11:39 AM, Gary wrote:
> That's your only concern with this story? ;o
> In many usain states, call the game wardens when you catch a wild animal
> in a Havahart trap. They will come pick it up, drive it out somewhere
> and release it and even return your trap.
My sister in law lives in a town in Muskoka and had a problem with feral
cats. The humane society brought traps. They caught quite a few of them
and took them to the shelter, but one morning she went out to check the
trap and there was a skunk in it. She called and they told her the skunk
was her responsibility and that they can only be re-located a short
distance. She insisted that it was their trap so it was their
responsibility. They finally agreed to come and get it.
> Top of the food chain animals kill for food and survival. Humans are
> also top of the food chain animals in many cases but only WE kill for
> sport or just because some other animal annoys us. How dare we? We
> really aren't "all that." Hunt for food but let the other animals live.
Do you really believe that? You should look into it. You might be
surprised at the number of animals that kill animals they do not eat.