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nancy young nancy young is offline
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Default What to do with a lot of extra Cheerios?

On 7/28/2016 9:51 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2016-07-28 9:04 AM, nancy young wrote:

>> I had a rabid skunk years ago. The cop that came was debating
>> whether to shoot it or not, but was afraid of the bullet hitting
>> the neighbor's house. The poor thing was so thin, I don't think
>> its body would have stopped a bullet.

> It is a small target, and after they kill it they have to dispose of the
> carcass.

At least animal control came out for him, when he got on his radio
and said Get animal control out here Now. They just blew me off when
I called them. Said People get nervous when they see wildlife. Uh,
I do when the thing is standing up on it's hind legs and falling over

> We had a bit of a horror story over a rabid animal last winter. Somebody
> had called about a rabid coyote. The cop car came along and saw the
> coyote and hit it with his cruiser. Then he got out and shot the
> disabled animal. I can see two sides to it. Yes, it sounds like a cruel
> and heartless way to put down a dangerous animal. OTOH, there was the
> risk of a reportedly rabid coyote escaping into the neighbourhood. I
> find it difficult to fault the cop for making a quick decision to remove
> a thread to the community. Unfortunately, it turned out that the animal
> that was struck and then shot was not a coyote. It was a very old, blind
> dog that looked like a coyote and who had wandered away from the owner's
> property.

The poor thing. I blame the owner for leaving a blind dog to

We had a coyote wandering around our neighborhood during the day a
month ago or so. It wasn't aggressive, just ignored us walkers.
It was on my lawn at some point. I was concerned as there have been
rabid coyotes in my town in recent years, and people got hurt.
