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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default What to do with a lot of extra Cheerios?

"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message

> I have dozens of bluejays that were born here, woodpeckers, redwing
> black birds, cardinals, and several more, even cow birds. I feed them
> all, they are all beautiful. I especially admire the crows, they are
> the smartest. The crows are large birds so they eat more but I don't
> mind, I feed them all they can eat... 50 pounds of cracked corn costs
> less than $8. I mix the premium bird seed with cracked corn, the

Crows kill the baby jays aound here occasionally, I hate crows. There used
to be two huge pine trees in my neighbors yard which was a mecca for the
crows and their constant noise, they had them cut completely down last year
and I hardly ever see or hear them anymmore. I prefer it that way.
