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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default What to do with a lot of extra Cheerios?

"Brooklyn1" wrote in message

On Thu, 28 Jul 2016 09:10:22 -0700, "Cheri" >

>"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>> Critters call to all their buddies, even tell them the menu.
>> Birds have excellent telescopic vision, they constantly scan for
>> food... you won't see them up in the tree tops but they will see you.
>> As soon as I toss out birdseed dozens of birds arrive instantly, and
>> ground critters watch and listen for the birds chattering and arrive
>> seconds later. There are dozens of crows in the tree tops a 1/4 mile
>> away, all I need do is open the sliders to my deck and they are there
>> on the ground looking at me... I have them well trained... they have
>> me well trained too. The crows get all the dried canned cat food
>> leavings, I soak the bowls to loosen the food and toss it out for the
>> crows, not a speck gets wasted. Crows eat everything, especially
>> carrion, they're first on the scene to clean up roadkill.

>I used to have a pet bluejay that would always come to the patio table and
>take peanuts from our hand. We have a pic of him sitting there with a tall
>neck Budweiser next to him. My friends didn't care for the fact that he
>would swoop in and startle them, but I loved that bird. I always give the
>jays peanuts, but now that I don't smoke anymore, not on the patio much,
>have never taken the time to tame one like "Blueboy" was. I hate crows and
>don't encourage them.

I have dozens of bluejays that were born here, woodpeckers, redwing
black birds, cardinals, and several more, even cow birds. I feed them
all, they are all beautiful. I especially admire the crows, they are
the smartest. The crows are large birds so they eat more but I don't
mind, I feed them all they can eat... 50 pounds of cracked corn costs
less than $8. I mix the premium bird seed with cracked corn, the
larger birds prefer the corn. Anyway feeding critters is my only
charitable donation, critters don't steal, everyone of the rest are
thieves, you're lucky if a nickle of every dollar donated goes to help
anyone, the admins draw huge salaries. When I feed critters every
cent goes goes to the critters... critters have no pockets. Years ago
I donated to the catholic childrens organization that advertised on TV
until I discovered that they are totally phony, there are no children,
they are stealing. The letters you send are answered by adults. All
you have to do is say you want to visit the child in the picture they
send you, the child doesn't exist, there is no child to visit. When I
feed critters I never get ripped off. I hate that my tax dollars go
to supply food stamps to lazy no account *******s, especially since
they are exchanged at small mom 'n pop groceries for 75¢ on the
dollar, where they use that cash for beer and cigs.

I agree about charities. We used to donate regularly and a few years ago we
came into a nice amount of money and gave one charity a good donation. We
learned later about the salaries the top bods were taking!! Never again.
It makes me angry too that all those people are volunteering in those
charities. Once they have your name and address, they constantly send
begging letters. Now they go in the bin!
