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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default What to do with a lot of extra Cheerios?

"Leonard Blaisdell" wrote in message

In article >, Gary > wrote:

> Speaking about groundhogs. The only wild ferrets are the Black footed
> ferrets and they are endangered. Their main food source is groundhogs.

Prairie dogs.

> According to this one story (below) there are very few wild ferrets left
> (300?) I don't think it's quite that bad but then maybe it is.

Black footed ferrets were considered extinct for many years during my
lifetime. Obviously, they weren't. There ain't a hell of a lot of them.
They're the mammal equivalent of the whooping crane in America.


This website is full of s**t. They don't even know the difference
between a groundhog and a prairie dog.

<> should get you
started and plenty more to go to. There are about a hundred posts that
I haven't read in this thread so far. Maybe someone else downthread has
covered this.

[ObFood] I got nothing.

Why not?? Are you ok?
