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Gary Gary is offline
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Default What to do with a lot of extra Cheerios?

Nancy Young wrote:
> That would get you jail time, here. To the extreme, the local
> SPCA chief prosecuted a man for killing rats in his gardens.
> Drowning a wild animal would be seen as cruelty.

A few people have jumped in saying that drowning is not so bad. LMAO.
Drown a human and see what what your penalty is.
Drown an animal and compare.
Drown YOU and see if you still think it's not so bad. sheez.

The 2 that roasted the hamster are now charged with misdemeanor
something. Facing up to one year in jail and a couple thousand in fines.
Lucky them. I would have roasted them.

IOW, I don't put human life above animal life. How dare we be so
arrogant as to think we are all that? All life is sacred. Killing for
survival is one thing. Killing for pleasure or annoyance is wrong.

Remember that Twilight Zone episode, "To Serve Man?"