Tex Mex
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Thu, 28 Jul 2016 23:35:47 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Nonsense. It doesn't do any of those things to most people who consume
>> normal amounts. I took caffeine pills as a teen. I built up a tolerance
>> to
>> the stuff and once took almost a full bottle at once.
> And you've said many times that you were a skinny, anemic, skittish
> teen who couldn't eat (among other things). And look how many
> problems you have now.
Skittish? I have never been skittish. I was anemic two times. Both due to
medical reasons I won't get into here. And there was only one period of time
when I couldn't eat. It started with a violent stomach illness, the cause of
which was never determind.
> Misery loves company.
I guess you would know.