Thread: Quality of tea
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Quality of tea

"cshenk" wrote in message

dsi1 wrote in

> My daughter is strangely into green tea. She's made matcha mochi,
> matcha macrons, matcha cookies, etc. Last night we had some matcha
> cheesecake. I'm not too wild about it although I like the color. It
> tastes like hay to me.

There, trimmed it down a bit (grin, it was getting a bit long).

Agreed, tastes a bit like hay to me as well. It has a lot of
anti-oxidents and my pet nutritionist has be giving Iowna 1/2 cup warm
weak caffiene free green tea a day. I give it at night and she laps it
up then the warmth soothes her to sleep. The decaffination removes
some of the anti-oxident benefits but not much. Iowna also gets
organic coconunt oil, lignan extract and a few other things (plus her
tramadol for arthritis).

It always seems odd when I see you saying she had Tramadol) I've been
having it for years because I can't take the usual painkillers

