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Default What to do with a lot of extra Cheerios?

On 31 Jul 2016 17:39:42 GMT, notbob > wrote:

>On 2016-07-31, jmcquown > wrote:
>> I don't scatter seed in the hot months; plenty of natural food
>> sources for them.

>Thank you!
>It's astonishing how many ppl are clueless about birds AND
>plants. "Honey, let's buy a bird feeder and help the birds".
>In the meantime, thousands of real seeds have been prepared by Dog
>knows how many plants and energy conserved for displaying new flowers
>and whatnot, to attract these birds for this renewal-fest that is
>Then, some dolt, lured by the cheap feeders, sold by the bird feeder
>industry, throws up a mega feeding station, which then lures thousands
>of birds to their doom! Squirrels, chipmonks, cats --both domestic
>and feral--, get free birdy dinners and the plants get neglected.
>I've seen it happen. And fer what? The birds get irradiated sterile
>seeds, and Walmart and the bird seed industry get yer sheckels?
>Where's all the outraged vegetarians?

I buy my bird seed at the Wild Bird Shop = seed which is specifically
for the birds here. We don`t have birds who eat corn, so there is
none of that common filler for starters.

I feed them in winter because life is hard for them but I feed them in
summer because they are grateful to find the help when they are
working overtime feeding nestlings. Since I feed them on my balcony
the only cat who could get them is mine and she is not there unless I
am. Even so, sometimes we are out there my favourite woodpecker will
alight and take what she needs for her nestlings in perfect safety.